Sara Wiksten
Managing Director - LundhagsI have the overall responsibility for the Lundhags brand. Lundhags is at the front making outdoor gear for a conscious consumer. We are a tight team and all of us focus on making the most technical, sustainable outdoor products there are.
I studied finance and computer science at Umeå University. At the same time I was a semi professional Floorball player. After my studies I started to work at a workwear clothing company. From that point in my life I found my track and my map. I love the combination of business management and creativity in the textile industry, and I have a deep relation with the industry over the 25 years I have been here. I have developed skills I didn’t know I had. Figures and shape is the key for me to find a feeling of flow in work life.
Brav is a “small” company with big strengths. It’s easy to talk to everyone in the organisation and it’s a flat hierarchy with open communication. It’s very rewarding to be a part of an ambitious organisation that also strengthen every individual by encouraging teamwork and providing a straightforward strategy focused on common goals that’s easy to break down to our everyday work in the Lundhags team.